Gas & Acidity


Homeopathic medicines are very efficient in treating bloated abdomen and gas problems. Sourced from natural substances, Homeopathic remedies are very beneficial in treating cases of bloatedness. Homeopathy provides complete recovery from bloatedness. The Homeopathic treatment for the bloated abdomen is also of great help in releasing the wind from the abdomen, thereby providing relief to the patient. The pain in the abdomen, burning, and other associated symptoms also disappear with the use of natural Homeopathic medicines. 


Certain medications, like opioid pain relievers, some antidepressants, and high pressure and hypersensitivity reaction medications, will result in slow gastric removal and cause similar symptoms. For those who have already got gastroparesis, these medications could make their condition worse.




Nausea Vomiting undigested food,

Feeling full soon when eating,

 Abdominal bloating,

Poor appetite

 weight loss,

 Poor blood sugar control,







You know it after you feel it: that full, uncomfortable sensation in your belly throughout or once a meal.

You might have burning or pain within the upper a part of your abdomen, too.

It’s indigestion, also called dyspepsia. indigestion is often a sign of an underlying problem, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), ulcers, or gallbladderdisease,




Bloating, Belching and gas,

 Nausea and vomiting,

 An acidic taste in your mouth,

 Fullness during or after a meal, Growling stomach,

Burning in your stomach or upper belly and pain 




Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance


People with lactose intolerance are unable to totally digest the sugar (lactose) in milk.

As a result, they need symptom, gas and bloating once ingestion or drinking dairy farm product.

The condition, that is also referred to as lactose assimilation, is sometimes harmless, however its symptoms is uncomfortable.




The signs and symptoms of hereditary disease typically begin half-hour to 2 hours once ingestion or drinking foods that contain milk sugar.


 Nausea, and sometimes,

vomiting Abdominal cramps,

 Bloating, Gas,







Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum — a silk-like membrane that lines your inner paries and covers the organs at intervals your abdomen — that's sometimes thanks to a bacterial or fungal infection.

Peritonitis may end up from any rupture (perforation) in your abdomen, or as a complication of different medical conditions.

Peritonitis requires prompt medical attention to fight the infection and, if necessary, to treat any underlying medical conditions.

Treatment of rubor sometimes involves antibiotics and, in some cases, surgery. Left untreated, rubor will result in severe, doubtless serious infection throughout your body.




  • Abdominal pain or tenderness, Bloating or a feeling of fullness (distention) in your abdomen,
  • Fever,
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Low urine output,
  • Thirst, Inability to pass stool or gas,
  • Fatigue,



Stomach Fat


The trouble with belly fat is that it isn't limited to the extra layer of artifact settled just under the skin (subcutaneous fat).
It additionally includes visceral fat — that lies deep within your abdomen, close your internal organs.


There are many reasons why people gain belly fat, feeling sluggish
2) sleep apnea
3) low energy through the day
4) bad digestion
5) weight gain
6) pain in your right abdomen
7) headaches



Worms in Stomach



Tapeworm infection is due to by ingesting food or water  tapeworm eggs or larvae.

If you ingest bound flatworm eggs, they'll migrate outside your intestines and type larval cysts in body tissues and organs (invasive infection).

If you ingest tapeworm larvae, however, they become adult tapeworms in your intestines (intestinal infection). An adult flatworm consists of a head, neck and chain of segments known as proglottids.

When you have an enteral infection, the flatworm head adheres to the enteral wall, and therefore the proglottids grow and manufacture eggs. Adult tapeworms will live for up to thirty years in a very host.




  • abdominal pain
  • diarrhea,
  • nausea, or vomiting gas/bloating,
  • fatigue,
  • unexplained weight loss,
  • abdominal pain or tenderness,
  • Nausea, Weakness,
  • Loss of appetite,



