• Borax 200 , Berberis vul. Q For Pyuria
  • Borax 200
  • Berberis vul. Q
  • Borax


Availability: In stock

₹ 600   

How to Use: Liquid

20 Ml Water & 20 Drops Medicine Twice in a days (Morning and Evening) 1 Hours Before Meal Each Medicine should be taken 10 minutes Gap

How to Use: Capsule

1+1=2 Capsule Different colour morning and Evening before meal (Avoid Alcohol).

Pyuria is a urinary condition that is characterized by an elevated number of white blood cells in the urine.

Doctors define a high number as at least 10 white blood cells per cubic millimeter (mm3) of centrifuged urine. Pyuria can cause the urine to look cloudy or as if it contains pus.

The presence of pyuria often occurs in a urinary tract infection (UTI). In rare cases, it can be a sign of a complicated UTI or sepsis.

Sterile pyuria is a form of pyuria that occurs without a detected presence of bacteria. In these cases, it may be related to non-detected bacteria, a virus or other germ type, or some other underlying medical condition.


Pyuria can cause cloudy urine and urine with pus that may not be accompanied by any other symptoms. The change in color or texture is due to the increased number of white blood cells.

 symptoms may also include:

blood in urine,  foul-smelling urine,  pelvic pain,  fever,   abdominal pain,  abnormal discharge

shortness of breath,  nausea or vomiting

How to Use

Borax 200 , Berberis vul. Q For Pyuria

Borax 200

Berberis vul. Q

